Witness to the Misuse of Prescription Drugs


Shameful behavior: Chicago City Council, International Red Cross, UN - United Nations , UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East , women's organizations , WHO - World Health Organization.

Douglas Murray reacts to 'narcissists' cheering Chicago council vote on Israel ceasefire - Chicago council disgraces itself voting for Hamas victory - February 2, 2024

The Real Motive Behind South Africa’s Antisemitism - January 12, 2024

Piers Morgan: This only got more painful and more shameful - December 5, 2023

Gabor Mate is wrong about Israel twice (Bad arguments and playing the JEWish card) - December 4, 2023

Women's groups silent on sexual abuse against Israelis on October 7 - November 26, 2023

Israel video of Hamas tunnel at Shifa hospital exposes systemic rot in Gaza aid organisations - November 20, 2023

Discrimination against Jews and Christians in Jerusalem (Ascending the Temple Mount) - February 25, 2022

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